White Building With Blue Detailing

Aluminium Windows & Frames

Choosing the right windows for your home is a must, with benefits ranging from kerb appeal to security and top-of-the-line insulation.

The most informed decision you can make is the decision to switch to aluminium windows over your standard uPVC.

As the uPVC market shifts and aluminium windows continue to surge in popularity, many are noticing the benefits of aluminium double-glazed windows’ sleek design, customisable options, enhanced durability and energy efficiency. These windows also have superior noise reduction and are durable in adverse weather conditions.

On average, aluminium windows last up to 45 years with little maintenance – that’s 15–25 years longer than uPVC windows.

Years of perfecting our aluminium window designs have allowed us to engineer incredibly slim frames, perfect for those concerned about solar control, insulation and noise reduction.

Slimline aluminium frames also help to maximise the amount of natural light in your home, bringing more of the outside in.

We are serious about introducing the benefits of high-end aluminium windows to British homes, which is why we engineer all of our windows right here in the UK.

Contact our expert team today to find out how our aluminium window frames can enhance your home.

Slimline Aluminium Window

Slimline Aluminium Windows

Front Exterior of House with Black and White Panelling

Benenden Conservation™ Slimline

Rear Exterior View of a House with Glass Patio Doors

Shaped Windows

Exterior View of Two Patio Windows with Rounded Arch

Curved Windows

Interior View of A Kitchen Sink With Windows Behind

Sash Windows

Closeup of Window Handles in Various Colours


Types of aluminium windows

We understand that no two homes are the same, so we offer a range of aluminium windows to fit the dimensions of your property and your personal tastes.

Our expert team can modify casement, sliding, bi-fold, shaped, sash and curved windows to fit your property, ensuring compatibility with properties of all architectural types.

From period properties to ultra-modern homes made from brick, stone or timber, our windows offer maximum light ingress, high energy efficiency, thermal control and added security.

We offer over 200 RAL colours, including sleek black aluminium windows that perfectly enhance a home’s modern aesthetic in a tasteful way.

Your unique window design can also be customised with our range of custom ancillaries, including door handles, hinges and peg stays.

Customising your aluminium windows

Aluminium windows can frame the façade of your property, elevating its aesthetic in a subtle and considered way.

All of our windows are customisable to fit the aesthetic of your property and enhance it in both shape and colour, from our Benenden Conservation™ Slimline range to bespoke aluminium windows.

Regardless of which you decide on, all our windows are customisable in colour and shape, with added security, thermal control and durability compared to UPVC.

Black aluminium windows are incredibly popular thanks to their modern and sleek aesthetic, but with 200 colours to choose from, you can really make your windows your own.

Contact us to see how we can elevate your property.

Benenden Conservation™ Slimline

A traditional homage to steel windows with the ultra-slim profile of aluminium, our Benenden Conservation™ Slimline range is the perfect choice for a period property, providing modern performance without compromising on your traditional aesthetic.

The Benenden Conservation™ Slimline range fits effortlessly with the aesthetic of your property, including when fit into timber, stone or brick. These period-style frames have an ultra-slim 39mm thickness and a window energy rating of B. They marry the timeless aesthetic of traditional steel with the modern benefits of aluminium.

These windows are easy to clean thanks to their twin opening design, grant maximum light ingress, have high thermal energy performance and are PAS24 rated with a modern multipoint locking system for added security. We want your windows to be as unique as your property, so we offer dual colour options for frame internals and externals using any RAL colour option.

Additionally, our windows can be fit to any shape, making sure the original charm of your property’s construction remains uncompromised and enhanced. Barrel hinges and dummy projections are also available depending on the type of window you choose. We craft our Benenden Conservation™ Slimline range in the UK for guaranteed quality.

Aluminium sash windows

Enjoy warmth and security without sacrificing the traditional character of your property. Our aluminium sash windows provide a modern twist on Georgian and Victorian home aesthetics.

As with all our windows, we offer a large selection of 200 RAL colours to choose from to accent your windows in your own unique style. Explore our take on a timeless classic and see how aluminium sash windows can elevate your home.

Curved aluminium windows

Thanks to our thorough UK-based manufacturing process, our curved aluminium windows are expertly designed to fit properties of all eras, shapes and sizes. Aluminium curved windows and their art-deco aesthetic are timeless, remaining a popular choice for those with a keen eye for design.

Curved windows are ideal for older properties that feature curved frontage, granting a superior viewing range and letting more natural light into your home. Make your windows your own with a range of 200 RAL colour options. See how curved aluminium windows can elevate your home.

Aluminium windows vs. uPVC windows

Aluminium windows provide a range of benefits over uPVC windows, both in terms of efficiency and aesthetics:

Our aluminium windows:

  • provide great energy efficiency
  • have a longer lifespan
  • utilise stronger material, making for a cost-effective investment
  • provide a larger viewing area, thanks to a slimline profile
  • are more environmentally sustainable
  • provide added home security.


Are aluminium windows better than uPVC windows?

Aluminium windows are a more durable and cost-effective option for those looking to invest in their property’s aesthetic and functionality. Aluminium windows offer greater energy efficiency, a larger viewing profile, long-term durability and thermal and solar control.

What is the best method for cleaning aluminium window frames?

Regular light cleaning will help keep your windows in top shape. A household detergent and warm water will be enough to remove any layers of dust and dirt. Avoid harsh chemicals and alkali-based cleaners as these may damage or alter the look of your aluminium window.

Can you paint aluminium windows?

You can paint aluminium windows, but we recommend consulting our expert team to help you decide on a colour from our huge range of RAL paint finishes instead.

Where are The Heritage Window Company’s windows manufactured?

We manufacture all our aluminium windows in the UK to ensure the highest quality and fast delivery.

When will my windows be installed?

Our expert team will provide you with an initial property consultation, after which we will require a deposit from you. Once we have received this, we offer a quick installation service so you can begin enjoying your new windows within 13 weeks.

Is my purchase protected?

After you pay your deposit, we will register your project with the Independent Warranty Association (IWA) – instantly protecting your investment.

After installation, you will pay your final balance and the IWA and FENSA will issue your 10-year guarantee.

Four Windows with Black and White Frame on Green Background
Exterior View of 4 Windows